Thursday, July 28, 2011

Proper Poolside Attire ... What NOT To Wear

I will preface this post by pointing out that I in no way think that I look good in a bathing suit. I, however, try and cover up those parts that are worse than others, and in no way think I am bikini acceptable. Now, on a recent trip to the casino I was reminded of just how many people have no idea how bad they look in a bikini. The sad thing is, I can see someone from a mile away in a full length cover-up and tell if they're going to have a bikini on underneath... especially if they clearly shouldn't be wearing one. What can I say, it's a gift.

Rule of thumb, if your belly jiggles when you walk, or you can squeeze your tummy fat together to make a rather large sized looking "booty", you're not bikini ready. I don't understand the concept of putting out an untoned belly for the world to see. It only draws attention to your flaws. Now this doesn't just happen at the casino pools, however, they do provide a plethora of flab and bellies hanging over bathing suit bottoms for the world to see. Makes me wonder if white trash are paid to flaunt their goods (or not-so-good goods). Unfortunately, this is not limited to one class, ethnicity, social status, or the like. It's rampant.

So here is my plea ladies ... if it doesn't look good, COVER IT UP! You will thank me one day. You want people to notice your face and your other good attributes, not the jiggly bits.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Love, Anger, and All That Jazz

I actually began writing this blog last night. However, I, luckily, decided to wait to post it. As a result I just deleted most of what I wrote. Posting out of anger is never a smart move. After seeing Facebook post after post, I think most people should start taking a breath before posting angry thoughts.

There are days, make that weeks, that test your character. This has been one of those weeks. A very hectic work load, added by a heartbreaking time for my family, has really just broken my heart and beaten me down. Being helpless for someone you love is the worst feeling in the world. I can deal with my own pains in life, but seeing a loved one hurt is unbearable. I tend to get so angry, that I forget to try and understand the other side of the story.

So, here I come... back to the love. That's what really matters, right? I'm writing this to try and beat it into my own head and heart too. Nothing good comes from anger and bitterness. I'll admit, I am a Bitter Betty about things sometimes. I don't easily forgive. Hurt is a hard thing to overcome, sometimes pride is worse. I learned during my class on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to focus on your circle of influence, not your circle of concern. Meaning, your circle of concern contains things that may be going on around you, but you have no control over (which is A LOT). Your circle of influence is what you have the power to change and/or control. I can control my reactions and behavior in my circle of influence.

So I'm going to show the love and try to be a more understanding person. There are 2 sides to every story, something that I tend to forget. I don't have to agree with others' choices, but I can try and respect their decisions and have faith that everything happens for a reason... and for the best.

*I'm gonna need some prayers to do this. Even I know my strengths and weaknesses.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Smartass is the New Black

So, my blog title is "Belle of the Bull" and I wish I could take full credit for this. My sister, Barbara, came up with it after I threw out some titles with foul language in them. We decided our mother would be none to happy with my ideas. Barbara is fully aware of the fact that I am full of BS and willing to share it. Her being a bit on the ditsy side (sometimes) has made her one of my main targets throughout my life. I might even dare to say that she is who I sharpened my smartass skills on. I strive to make her laugh because she is the best audience you could ask for. She has the best laugh and gets my humor.

I would love to say that I'm a self-proclaimed smartass, however, enough people have told me throughout my lifetime to know it's the general consensus. I own it and it's definitely part of my charm, at least as far am I am concerned. One of my favorite quotes is from Steel Magnolia's ... "If you can't say anything nice, then come sit by me." This about sums me up, as well as most of the other members of my all-girl wolf pack.

Now I'm making myself sound like a total mean girl, but I'm truly not. I am a very loyal, honest and caring person. I would do just about anything for those I love. However, if you walk in the room wearing a bedazzled mini skirt and tube top, both 2 sizes too small, then I'm going to have a comment to share (I will secretly be dying to give you a makeover). And even though I have plenty of my own ditsy moments, I do so love to point out those of others. It's just such an easy target.

In being a smartass I feel you have a responsibility to not hurt anyone's feelings or make the rest of the world think you're a total witch. It's a fine line between funny and mean. So this is your warning: Use your smartassness responsibly.