Wednesday, April 22, 2015

An Open Apology to Anyone I've Ever Called Bridezilla

I would like to here and now apologize to anyone and everyone I have ever called bridezilla ... you won't know who you are because it certainly wasn't said to your face. I may be snarky, but I'm not dumb enough to poke a bear like that.

And this is how I know it's time to apologize ... When I got engaged in December everything was a breeze. I had almost my entire guest list finished by mid-January. I ordered invitations early, had gifts ready, dress ordered and all my ducks in a row. That was the problem. You have everything set, things are rocking along, and then something or someone throws a tiny, itty bitty, wrench into your game plan and you LOSE YOUR S#%T. So girls, I get you. I get the meltdowns and breakdowns and looking like a deranged, irrational, five year old. When there are one million things going through your mind for months on end, there is no room for changes or error. It may seem like it's something tiny to everyone else, but to you this is YOUR WEDDING, and up until now, it is probably the biggest event of your entire life. That alone adds pressure. 

Speaking of pressure. The amount we brides put on ourselves in insane. You don't even realize it until well into planning that you've committed yourself to lose 20 pounds, plan 99% of this wedding alone, prepare to move to a new home (or have someone move into yours), redecorate everything because you're supposed to look like a sophisticated married person after the wedding, make everyone in your wedding party feel extra special, find a brand new outfit for EVERY SINGLE EVENT, write no less than 2,356 thank you notes, spend every last dime of savings you have, and still maintain a full time job and your sanity. You can't have it all, and the sanity is the first to go. The money is the second.

It's silly, but the struggle is there. Oh, how I sat all high and mighty and thought I would never be THAT person. Karma, you sneaky bitch. As the time gets closer, the ability to hold the crazy in gets much harder. Basically, I've resorted to crying at any and everything at the drop of a hat. No one is safe. And no location is off limits ... attention Walmart shoppers. 

So girls, I am sorry. Sorry for thinking you were overreacting (which you were, but so am I), sorry for thinking you were shallow, sorry for thinking you didn't appreciate all of the wonderful stuff that was happening in your life (the appreciation is more than there, but people only take notice of the psychotic breakdowns), and more than anything, I am sorry I have become one of you.

Cheers to a lifetime of happiness (no way I'm doing this AGAIN) and to still having a groom, family and friends by the time you get to the alter.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Finding the Balance of the Better Me

After completing the Advocare Challenge I went somewhat wild. I had begun to feel so deprived towards the very end that when I was finished I ate everything I had missed out on for a month. So, I am a moron and basically starting back from scratch. Food is such an evil thing. I have always said that it's MUCH easier to exercise than to stay on a healthy diet.

I am back on the health wagon, but not living so strict as I was on the challenge. I can have some dairy and deli turkey ... things like that. Not to mention I can have some wine (just not everyday). I am challenging myself to not let every vacation, holiday, birthday celebration (not even my own) be an excuse to go nuts and eat like they're going to quit making food and not workout. I have a 2-day work trip that I will be leaving on today. I am going to pull every ounce of willpower I have and not let this trip be an excuse to eat poorly and be lazy. I am working out before I leave and will try and do something tomorrow. I will workout Thursday at home when I return.

Making the commitment to change my everyday eating ... for life ... is tough. It has to be done though. Otherwise I will never look and feel the way I want to. I want to be stronger, fitter, leaner and more efficient in my CrossFit workouts. I feel like my weight is dragging me down. I don't want to be a quitter. I am not trying to go to the CrossFit Games or anything, but there's no reason that I can't get to where I am finishing at the top, instead of the bottom, of the board. I struggle with endurance and cardio the most. I don't have that thing in my brain that makes me continue to push and not stop. I stop. I rest. I rest too much. I get uncomfortable mentally when I am uncomfortable physically. I vow to overcome this. To push myself. To make myself a more fit person. To find the balance of healthy living and having a good life. Deprivation does not have to be a part of that scenario, and overindulgence certainly isn't.

I. Can. Do. This. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Advocare 24 Day Challenge - FINISHED

I can't believe it, but I am FINISHED... and with VERY little cheating. I really had NO white carbs or sugars the entire time. That's a big feat for me.

So here's the good, the bad and the ugly about this whole deal. I can't believe I am about to post these pictures, but here goes ...

Before and Afters

 I know it may look like I'm slouching on purpose in the before photos, but I am not. Same posture in both ... I lost 2.5 pounds (my boyfriend lost 12 pounds and was secretly eating bits of cookie dough each day, so screw him), but you can definitely SEE a difference in these photos. I can tell that my clothes fit much better (some are even loose) and my face has thinned out some.

Here are my stats in inches lost:
Chest - Lost 1 1/2"
Arm - Lost 1" (I only measured one)
Waist - Lost 3 1/2"
Hips - Lost 2"
Leg - Lost 1"

I mean... combined that would be 11" total! That is assuming I lost the same amount on each arm/leg. I gotta say ... it definitely works! The best news is that 3 1/2" alone were in my waist! That's pretty awesome. 

My plan is to continue to cook this way at home, run, and do CrossFit, but I will allow myself some wine when I am out and I won't be such a psycho about getting to eat out. After all, I do love me some social time! I want to lose a couple of clothing sizes. Clearly the scale isn't my friend, so I will try to stick with how clothes fit.

As a reward for the 500 hours of cooking I have done the last 3 1/2 weeks my boyfriend is taking me on a fancy date Friday night. I'm going to tell you right now ... butter, steak, bread, and dessert will all be had. Then it's back to healthy living!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Advocare 24 Day Challenge - The End is Near

I really have enjoyed this challenge, but I will be honest ... the last week has been TOUGH. Trying to muddle through going to friends houses, hanging out at the lake, work lunch meetings ... I mean, Cheetos have NEVER looked so good. Don't get me wrong though, I loved a Cheeto before. I just wasn't willing to push a kid down on the ground for one until now.

Day 23 is finished and I will say, I can tell my clothes are fitting very differently. FINALLY. I haven't weighed in over a week and I'm saving that and measurements for tomorrow morning (which will be my first day off of the challenge). I sure hope it's good news!

I have found so many new, great recipes that I will continue to make. Eating & cooking clean is really simple. It's a great way to live. I just won't be so strict about EVERYTHING once off this challenge. I love being social and eating out with friends. That's what I have missed the most. I didn't trust myself to eat out much because there just aren't very many options in this little one horse town.

Here's some things I've had the last few days:

Zucchini Noodles ... AKA Zoodles. These may be my new favorite thing. They really are delicious. I found out the best way to prepare them and it really does make a difference! If you don't have a spiralizer, go get one! I use this Native Spring version from Amazon. They also have them at places like Bed, Bath & Beyond. If you don't have a spiralizer, you can use a potato peeler and make ribbons.

Zucchini Noodles
Serves 2

2-3 zucchinis (be sure not to get really fat zucchini or they don't fit)
1 Tbsp olive oil

Spiralize your noodles into a colander. Sprinkle generously with salt and toss around to coat. Let sit in the sink for about 30 minutes. This will leech the excess water out. Rinse noodles and dry out a bit. Cook in a pan with olive oil on about medium heat until done. Serve with pesto, spaghetti sauce or whatever you like!!!!

The other new recipe I tried was Baked Chicken Fajitas from Alexa Eats Clean. These couldn't be easier and I put them on gulten free, brown rice tortillas and made some homemade guacamole (recipe below) on top. One note about the chicken recipe: Drain the diced tomatoes (I used regular, not low sodium also) or it's a bit too watery.
Homemade Guacamole
(small batch)

2 avocados
1/2 (or more) fresh lemon juice
1/2 ripe tomato, diced
1/4 cup yellow onion, diced
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
Garlic powder, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Kosher salt, to taste

Enjoy!!!! I could eat this with a spoon ... and do sometimes.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Advocare 24 Day Challenge - Day 16

Day 16!!!! I feel like this is the home stretch! I weighed yesterday morning. I have lost 2.5 lbs. I am pretty sure I have lost some inches though. The boyfriend said (more than once) that he could tell I had lost. I'll take whatever I can get.

For whatever reason I felt like total poo yesterday. I was also completely exhausted. I think I have "Murph" to thank for that. Needless to say, a workout was not done. I stayed true to the challenge though.

I did make a new recipe! Turkey meatloaf. I wasn't sure how much I would like this, but it turned out REALLY good. I used this recipe from "The Motivated Mama."

Couple of notes:
1. I only used a 6 ounce can of tomato paste and it was plenty
2. I would add a little water to the paste/sauce on top when you mix it together. It's a bit thick.
3. I use salted versions of everything.

Along with the meatloaf, I made some roasted spaghetti squash. This is becoming a go to in my house. Fast, easy, and couldn't taste better!

Spaghetti Squash

1 spaghetti squash
olive oil
Kosher salt

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil. Cut squash lengthwise and dig out seeds. Drizzle olive oil on flesh side of spaghetti squash (doesn't need a whole lot). Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place squash flesh side down on baking sheet and roast for 30-40 minutes. Once cool enough to handle, use a fork to scrape out the squash.

**You will know it's done when it's a bit darker and you can scrape all the way to the thin edge of the squash. I like roasting it in the oven much better than the microwave method. I think it's too watery in the microwave.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Advocare Challenge - Memorial Weekend!!!

Yeah, I fell behind. Memorial Day weekend made it a little difficult to write about everything I was eating on days 12-15. I did, however, stick to the plan. I have had VERY few slips or even "bends" of the rules. I did have a few glasses of wine Saturday night. I'll be honest, I felt like CRAP Sunday morning. A few weeks ago that amount of wine wouldn't have phased me at all. I don't know if my tolerance has gone down or if this is making the wine turn against me. If the latter is what is happening I may have to sue Advocare. Nothing comes between me and my wine.

Those who CrossFit know that with Memorial Day comes "Murph." Those of you who don't know about "Murph," it is a workout named after Lt. Michael Murphy who died in 2005. He is one of the main Navy Seals in the movie "Lone Survivor." If you haven't seen that, watch it. It will give you a whole new respect for Navy Seals and our military. So "Murph" is a hero WOD (workout of the day) that pretty much every CrossFit gym does on Memorial Day.  Also, the idea of a "hero WOD" is that you're doing this to honor a fallen soldier. Reminding yourself of this will force you to keep going and not quit because they didn't quit fighting for us. So, this was my first year to do this workout. It consists of a 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 air squats and you finish with another 1 mile run. I knew this would take me forever and I feared I would die somewhere on that last run. I survived ... but barely. I am doing "real" pull ups now and I am slow at them. Ripped my hands in a few places and got to where I could barely pull myself up. My time was 85:31. So basically I survived an hour and a half of hell. An 80 year old on a walker could have passed me on that run. I honestly know that if I can do CrossFit, anyone can. I am the least athletic person I know and I may be slower than your average slug ... but I can do it and anyone else can too.

Back to the Advocare Challenge and food I guess. So ... I had a great lunch on Friday, and it's something I continue to go back to. Lettuce wraps with some grilled chicken, tomato and hummus. This time I threw some avocado in there. It was totally delicious.
Friday night I grilled some pork tenderloins. The marinade turned out really yummy! *See bottom of blog for recipe. We grilled some eggplant and squash to go with it. Two of my favorite vegetables on the grill and they are so easy! I went to a cookout yesterday and took some ground turkey and made turkey burgers with some hummus on top. I also ate a bunch of watermelon and veggies. If you're ever hungry, eat watermelon! Most filling food ever!

I will say that I am FINALLY starting to feel like I am getting a little smaller. All just subtle differences. Of course everyone sees my boyfriend and tells him how skinny he looks and goes on and on. I am trying not to want to kill him ... it's hard though. I will report any weight loss in tomorrow's blog.

Pork Tenderloin Marinade

Pork tenderloin
1/4 cup (or less) Olive oil
1/4 cup soy sauce (I used Bragg's Liquid Aminos)
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
3 Tbsp Dijon mustard
Salt & Pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Place pork tenderloin (I had 2 in a pack from Sam's and this was more than enough marinade for both) in gallon ziploc bag and pour marinade over it. Let marinate for at least 2 hours. Wrap each tenderloin in foil packet and pour marinade over both. Bake until no longer pink in the center (will depend on size of meat). Let rest for 10-15 minutes after out of the oven. Enjoy!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 11 - Advocare 24 Day Challenge - WINE WAS HAD

Welcome back lover ...
Oh yes.. 2 glasses of wine were had last night and they were GLOOOORIOUS. I sipped on those suckers like it was my last ounce of water in a life boat, but they were great nonetheless. The hardest part was not ordering glass number 3.

So yesterday was also my first time to eat meals that I didn't cook since I started this challenge. I had my chocolate Meal Replacement Shake for breakfast. It really is good. I added a few ice cubes to make it really cold. I had some almonds as my morning snack.

I had a lunch meeting and we ordered Honeybaked Ham. I ordered a cobb salad with no bacon, cheese or croutons. I brought some Newman's Oil & Vinegar dressing (all the ingredients are natural and you can pronounce). It was good. I went for a run after my meeting and then had a banana.

By the time I got to the restaurant for dinner I was about to gnaw my arm off. I ordered grilled chicken with broccoli and asparagus. I was so hungry that I ate both of the 4 ounce chicken breasts they put on my plate (we will pretend that I couldn't tell it was 2 breasts, but one large porn star chicken that gave her life for my meal). I felt a little guilty about it, but let's be serious... it was grilled chicken. Life will go on. There wasn't a crumb on that plate.

I'm just gonna say it, and judge me if you like, but life is SUPER boring without wine (or your alcohol of choice). I am not one to drink even close to every day, but I do like to drink socially. I just might like to socialize more than most. Anyway, I am happy to continue these Challenge eating habits after the 24 days is up, but wine will definitely makes it's way back into my life.

Oh, and P.S. We won't even DISCUSS how my boyfriend has already lost 3 1/2 inches on his waist. I haven't measured again because I KNEW I would be disappointed. Feeling a little skinnier today though. 

Sober and a little bored