Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Drama ... A Family Tradition Since 1979

I'm feeling rather dramatic today. You know the drill... the world has done me wrong, nothing goes my way, and so on. Sometimes I let all this small stuff fester and then it turns me into the over-reactor that I am. I'm having one of those moments of feeling sorry for myself because I should be in a different place at this stage in my life... or so I think. All of these thoughts are fighting the fact that I do in fact believe that God has a plan for everyone. I just wish he'd kick mine into overdrive. 

Since I was a kid I have been known as the family drama queen. Lots of things hurt my feelings. Some very warranted, many not. As a child I'm surprised I didn't wear a hole in the carpet of the landing on my parents steps where I stopped to say I hated everyone and stomp my foot before running up the rest of the way. This was a daily occurrence growing up. I like to think I'm better than that now. Well, I don't say "I hate you" anymore at least, and I only wish I had steps to stomp up.

My parents and I kept my 20 month old niece this weekend for my sister. It was a huge reminder of the fact that I have passed this genetic default onto her. She is a total drama queen. I dare to say that she may even surpass me at some point. She is giddy and adorable right up until you do something she didn't want you to... and then it's all tears and head throwing. You would think I would be immune to these games, due to being the originator of this little gem of a trait. However, I cave and tend to make it all better for her. I realize I am perpetuating the problem here. Lucky for society she isn't around me all the time to really cultivate her flair for the dramatic. I am hoping that my sister had my child and I will have hers one day... drama free children who behave and never do anything wrong. Should that NOT happen, I'm warning society now... this could get ugly.

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